Showing posts with label video. Show all posts
Showing posts with label video. Show all posts


Wheels and Waves 2015 Part 1

Nous l'avons attendu, Nick Clements (Mensfile) l'a réalisé, voici la première partie de notre film Wheels and Waves 2015.
Finally done... we proudly present the first part of our Movie done by Nick Clements
This year Wheels & Waves hosted a vast range of styles and disciplines in motorcycle design, styling, building, riding and fun racing. There was also art, music and an impressive market place. Unfortunately, the surf was flat.
To encapsulate all this in one movie would be difficult so we have chosen the theme of PEOPLE to illustrate the diversity of attitudes and ideas present over the four days and then made the film in two parts.
PART TWO will be out in August 2015

Cette année Wheels & Waves confirme son écléctisme et sa volonté de présenter tous les genres dans le design et le style motocycliste. Le ride et la course sont aussi des composants essentiels de l'événement, sans oublier l'exposition Artride, les concerts et le village de la Cité de l'Océan. Malheureusement le surf était absent pour faute de vagues.
Nous commençons ici avec un premier film ou le réalisateur s'est attaché à la description de cette diversité au travers d'interviews.
La deuxième partie sera présentée en Aout 2015

Wheels & Waves 2015 Part 1 from Dir. Nick Clements on Vimeo.

The Wheels and Waves festival 2015 was extraordinary for its bikes, its racing, its art, its music, its style, but most of all its people. This eight minute film takes you through the first two days of the happening.


Wheels & Waves x Loser Machine

Wheels & Waves x Loser Machine from Douglas Guillot on Vimeo.

In Europe, the winter can seem unending, the time of year when we are consigned to dwell interminably in our garages, neon lights may be bright but they can never truly replicate sunlight...
But there is a cure, we have been planning an end of winter trip to the Basque country since last summer with our friend Fede at Loser Machine and Bixente, a ride for a Wheels and Waves 2013 reunion.
A band of brothers, 20 in all. However with the unpredictable seasonal conditions we are taking a gamble, but still we have ploughed through all conditions before and shall do again.
The ride is a total of 240km, and we are planning it for June, so it should be perfect riding : A combination of beautiful nature and a rare countryside found in these traditional lands, far from the polluted towns and cities that so many of us are forced to call home. Mountains are found in abundance as are the twists on the long empty stretches of road, which are themselves much like racing circuits, in short, a dreamlike wonderland. Anybody who loves bikes will get that longed for Endorphin rush and a heavenly bike connection.

L'hiver est long en Europe, la période ou nous restons calfeutrés dans nos garages parait interminable, les néons ne remplaceront jamais le soleil...
Nous avions cependant planifié à la fin de l'été dernier avec nôtre ami Fede de Loser Machine et Bixente, un ride au pays Basque à la fin de l'hiver, ayant pour but de faire un repérage pour Wheels & Waves 2013.
Nous avons réuni un groupe d'amis, une vingtaine au total, les conditions étant difficilement prévisibles en cette saison nous prenions un certain risque, nous avons rencontré à peu près tout ce que l'on peut imaginer en matière de météo.
le ride de 240Km que nous allons vous proposer en Juin est quasiment parfait à mes yeux, beaucoup de nature, peu d'agglomérations,de la montagne, des virages par milliers, des route côtières semblables à un circuit, bref un terrain de jeu sensationnel ou chacun trouvera l'endorphine vitale, la justification même de la moto.
Vivement Juin.

We would like to thank, everyone who participed to this "epic" ride and of course Doug for the cool movie and Fede for his support

Vincent Prat

Shot & Edited by Douglas Guillot
Produced by Greendog Distribution
Music by Yussuf Jerusalem (
Photography by Benoit Guerry (
additional film shots by Juan Lagarrigue ( & Sarah Arnould(
Graphic Design by Steven Burke (
Support by Loser Machine (