
Wheels And Waves 2012


Coool Artwork by Steven Burke

Planning an event like Wheels & Waves is a true adventure.

At our first W&W session in June 2009, a dozen happy few turned-up in beautiful Biarritz.

The Beach House a great place in Anglet- thank you Lupo & Kinou
©Mélanie Bordas Aubiès

Only four years have passed, although it seems to be an eternity from now. At the first meeting we identified three universes – classic motorcycle, neo classic and classic custom – all of which seldom come together in one place.
Since that first meeting the realm of motorcycle-culture has thrown up something unexpected. A mixture of classic, neo-classic and custom embodied in the outpourings of outfits like Shinya Kimura in the USA, the Wrenchmonkees in Europ (unfortunately not with us this June) and Deus Ex Machina in Australia both of whom, in their own ways, have challenged existing custom dogmas.

A perfect representation of what could be the new custom generation Magnificent "Baula" by El Solitario with generous curves
©Chris Hunter - Bike Exif

New kind of custom paint by Maxwell Paternoster
©Tom Guerry - GPI

Southsiders honour such organizations but equally respect the individual builder. Often coming from the fine art viewpoint, it is the garage-based bike designer who really leads the way. Spontaneously in street culture, music, skate and surf, this new generation has begun to widen motorcycle horizons and much has been learned along the way from the very directional BIKE EXIF blog – the author of which was warmly welcomed this year to W+W.

Lettering Artist "Ornemental Conifer" a mixture of Bosozoku and Robin Wood
we are far from pinstripping.

Everybody is modifying a bike in the kitchen, never mind the original style or capacity. It’s the originality of the new build that counts. Of course sometimes inspiration looks like imitation but never the less, effort is always acknowledged. Sometimes, however, a truly original imagination leads to a one of a kind bike.
In fact surf there has been a similar evolution in the world of surf culture. Previously dominated by major corporations the surf industry has been very conservative and narrow in its outlook. In the past ten years certain individuals (and groups) have broken down the doors and busted old dogmas. Today we have a form of ‘free surfing’ that allows vast experimentation in materials and style. This is all performed by wild players such as Joel Tudor, Tyler Warren and Scotty Stopnik (CHECH SPELLING) who represent the best of both old and new generations. If there is a new surfing subculture, it’s homemade and art-based.
Wheels and Waves seeks to reflect those developments in motorcycle and Surfing culture and even hopes to be at the cutting edge of from time to time.

The Big Thank Yous!
Firstly, I’d like to thank our team : Benoit, Thierry, Jerome and Olivier, who worked all year long on the project with me.
I’d also like to thank Mark , Sal and Nick for translations, Val for her help, Juliette for her cooking, and especially her homemade "nems". Don’t forget to mention Julien and Florent too!

In the area of Biarritz, a big thx to Bixente and Melody, the local team in that magical surf-town, who worked hard on the project from the beginning. I have to say they have solved many problems !
Thx to Phil at "Blitzkrieg machines" too, for precious help and rich contacts.
Special thx to JB at Wallako and his beautiful surfboard exhibition.

Once more we’ve checked usefulness and availibility of our mobile technical assistance, provided by Olivier Enache – a great thx to him !

Our twelve artists exhibition, made the meeting a true cultural event.

Cesar Ancelle Hansen, Nick Clements, Dimitri Coste, Rudy Jacques, Conrad Leach, Antonio Merinero, Olivier Prat, Maxwell Paternoster, Raulowsky, lennard Schuurmans, Mark Woodhatch, Elvio Patuano...

We would like to thank all of our sponsors. They supported us all along. We all know how important they are.

TheBeachHouse, OTW, Edwin, Redwing Heritage , TBC Triumph, Ducati, Vitesse Moto, Ateliers Ruby, Hook Motors, The Royal Racer, Woll Beer, Stance

I can’t conclude without a word for my wife Tania. She was patient, supportive and ever cheerful, so the task seemed easier to me.
Vincent Prat

A random Selection of pics by Benoit Guerry

Party at The Beach House

The Dustbeemer

The costal road between Saint Jean de Luz and Hendaye

From left: Maxwell Paternoster, Nico Scalter,PD'O, El Solitario, Bixente

from left: Mksim, Carl Ringdahl Elodie Matyjasik, Axel

From Left: X, Juan Ramon Ortega, X , Seb Lorentz

From Left: X Jonathan, X, X

From left: Bertrand Grégoire, Lennard Shuurmans, PD'O, Dav Durand


Ben Claasen

Eric Mathieu

Fred Jourden

Nico, Ben, Jonathan



Florent Graglia

Chris, Sylvie, Jean Jacques, Keana, Sandra





Eric Mathieu, Gary Inman, Paul D'Orléans

Dav, Christophe


"Partners in crime"

Organiser un événement tel que Wheels & Waves est une aventure.

Nôtre première édition en Juin 2009 avait réunie de manière informelle une douzaine de Happy few à Biarritz. A l'époque un simple Email avait suffit à nous réunir durant trois jours.
ces quatre années écoulées paraissent aujourd'hui une éternité, On distinguait alors trois mondes, celui de la moto classique, néo classique, et custom classique, ces univers ne se cotoyaient pas.
plus récemment est apparu un mouvement, comme une nouvelle génération prête à relever le défi d'une nouvelle custom culture,loin des dogmes de la moto anciennes et suffisement éloignée du custom classique pour que l'on puisse y distinguer un nouveau genre.

Ce nouveau genre a été insufflé et initialisé notamment par les Wrenchmonkees (malheureusement absents), les Deus, et une petite poignée d'acteurs, relayé quotidiennement par les blogs comme Bike Exif agissant comme un thermomètre . Cette jeune génération souvent issue des arts graphiques, pratiquant de manière naturelle et instinctive la street culture, la musique, le skate, et ou le surf se trouve aujourd'hui portée par un certain élan qui dépasse largement les frontières de la moto.

Depuis Deux/trois ans maintenant, l'idée a fait son chemin, chacun dans son garage s'affaire à modifier sa machine, peu importe la base ou même la cylindrée, seule l'originalité compte. Bien sur l'inspiration pour certains sera limitée à singer ce que leurs ainés ont fait avant eux, et d'autres déploient des trésors d'imagination pour créer l'engin inédit.

Le surf à lui aussi suivi la même évolution, le dogmatisme du shape et du style imposé pendant des décennies par les seuls critères de la performance et des major companies est lui aussi maintenant brisé. Place au Free Surfing avec ses acteurs libres de toute contrainte, et place à tous les délires issus du mélange de connaissances de l'ancienne et de la nouvelle génération, tout en cultivant un amour pour l'artisanat et le homemade.

Nous avons pu constater le week-end dernier l'émergence massive de ce phénomène, et nous sommes les premiers à nous en réjouir, car il s'accompagne de personnages hauts en couleur singuliers et créatifs comme leurs machines et leurs planches, nous avons fait des rencontres comme nulle part ailleurs, car il s'agit de cela avant tout, Wheels & Waves est peut-être le premier meeting de ce nouveau genre, que nous souhaitons écléctique,ouvert d'esprit, sans pour autant taper à tous les rateliers. L'alchimie s'est faite naturellement, nous avons pu constater tout au long du week-end les sourires qui en disaient long sur le plaisir de chacun à partager ces moments.

Nous nous sentons vivement encouragés, et souhaitons continuer l'aventure. Nous savons d'ores et déjà qu'elle continuera de s'appeler W&W et quelle aura lieu dorénavant à Biarritz en Juin. Le concept doit évoluer, nous devons notamment donner une vraie dimension au Surf, nous avons les idées, reste à les mettre en oeuvre...

Je voudrais remercier tout d'abord nôtre équipe composée De: Benoit , Thierry, Jérome, et Olivier avec lesquels j'ai travaillé toute l'année sur ce projet. Mark et Sal' pour leurs traductions. Valérie pour son aide, et Juliette pour ses Nems!! Sans oublier Julien et Florent .

Ensuite nous devons un grand coup de chapeau à Bixente (Vincent Lassere) et Melody Lefondeur pour leur travail acharné et leur collaboration étroite en étant l'équipe relai à Biarritz tout au long de cette année. Grâce à eux, bien des situations se sont débloquées.

Un grand merçi à Phil Lalemant pour son aide précieuse et ses contacts. Un remerciement spécial à Jean Baptiste @ Wallako pour la belle exposition de planche de surf.

Nous avons une fois de plus constaté l'utilité de nôtre assistance véhicule menée par Olivier Enache un grand merçi à lui.

Cette rencontre n'aurait pas la même dimension sans l'exposition des douze artistes qui se sont joint à nous faisant de cette manifestation un événement culturel.

Cesar Ancelle Hansen, Nick Clements, Dimitri Coste, Rudy Jacques, Conrad Leach, Antonio Merinero, Olivier Prat, Maxwell Paternoster, Raulowsky, lennard Schuurmans, Mark Woodhatch, Elvio Patuano

Nous souhaitons aussi remercier tous nos sponsors de nous avoir soutenu dans ce projet, nous avons tous pris la mesure de leur importanc
,TheBeachHouse, OTW, Edwin, Redwing Heritage , TBC Triumph, Ducati, Vitesse Moto, Ateliers Ruby, Hook Motors, The Royal Racer, Woll Beer, Sabre, Stance

Je ne pourrais conclure sans citer mon épouse Tania, grâce à son soutien et sa patience, la tâche paru facile à absorber.
Vincent Prat

Small Selection by Melanie Bordas Aubiès for more pics click here

Mark flying

great live in front of the beach with Magnetix, thanks Looch & Agnès followed by 2 hours mix with TasT, Thank you Caro & Olivier

Small selection from Sam Christmas More pics here

Small selection on "Le Vintagent" click for more

Matt Davies and Gary Inman our "providers"

La Concha San Sebastian, viewpoint from Monte Igueldo attraction park

Jaizkibel under "Brouillarta" typical minute fog

Nick Clements and Sharon

Always Great lookin' Ben Part Sideburn Man

Paolo Sormani @ Riderz Magazine, happiness on the "Corniche"

Yes... there's some beautiful girls at the W&W

Small selection from El Solitario click for more


Sal' Paul Smith hour

Antonio Merinero



Dim's multiplex exhibition, what a construction !

The Assistance boys Olive & Jalisco

Small selection from CREM PROD Carl Ringdahl Elodie Matyjasik

Small Selection by Kristina Fender more pics here

See you Next year !



Twelve Artists #06


Antonio Merinero

Originally from Madrid, Antonio Merinero is a graphic illustrator. He also travels the world on a motorcycle. Traveling feeds Antonio's imagination and much of his inspiration comes from his visits to Asia. He has worked with artists who create the Bollywood film posters, but also painters of trucks in India and Thailand.
Drawing, airbrushing, photography and collage are the mediums that this artist blends to produce his unique and illuminated style.
Antonio is riding down up from Madrid to join us in Biarritz for Wheels and Waves on his old Electra Glide and sleeping beneath the stars... Bon voyage!

Don't miss Antonio's exhibition next Friday



Twelve Artists #05


Conrad Leach

Pop culture and motoring tradition are thoughts evoked by Conrad Leach's brilliant artwork. Our English friend conveys to us a blend of heroism displayed by riders and drivers in an age when speed and danger went hand in hand. Good examples of this are his paintings of Sir Malcolm Campbell and a very graphic representation of Peter Fonda, two subjects at opposite ends of a culture. Conrads artwork has instant appeal achieved by expanses of flat and bright colour applied to large canvases.

Conrad has enjoyed a certain success since his first exhibition at the APART Gallery in London in 1997. A five year contract with Louis Vuitton followed, a series of portraits commissioned by the Grand Hotel in Oslo and a series produced for The Legend of the Motorcycle in 2008. More recent exhibitions include an exhibition in London entitled 'Paradise Lost' and 'Re-Pop' his latest exhibition in Tokyo.

We are proud to welcome Conrad to our Wheels and Waves exhibition commencing 15th June.



I Drink


Plug it in and switch it on, but make sure your circuit breakers are fully operational. Magnetix are the ultimate French electro-rock super-hero diode with no other influences we can figure out other than Davie Allen and the Arrows starting static with Cramps in a sound clash live from Pluto (far out, dig?). This nasty "Drogue Electrique" LP brings a full on sex beat that throbs with a creepy, fuzzed out sludge, grinding through your cranium like a rusty antenna. The ping-pong stereo vibrates wildly with a multichromatic display of analog effects meant to make your retinas shimmer and your ass wiggle. Cross the Magnetix and deal with death, this duo is the penalty for fans of twee, and a reward for the lightning breed.

About TAST

Tast is born of an eight legged twist, to the rhythm and sound of summer 2010. At a time when electronic counters wobbled on the BPM of the digital generation, Tast hasn't forgotten the diabolical euphoria generated by low-fi pick-ups.
This is the past and future reunited in a 2.0 years juke box



Auction in Biarritz


We are very pleased to announce that the catalog of the first Wheels & Waves’ auction is now online.

We are proud to present the work of Bixente (Vincent Lassere) who brought together some very beautiful exclusive, rare and eclectic pieces, for connoisseurs and experts.

We also would like to congratulate Serena Lutton for her achievement and patience.

Finally, please note that this private auction will be held as part of our next Wheels & Waves’ week-end event at '' Château de Brindos '' in Biarritz on June 15 at 2 p.m.

NB : The lots will be displayed on site from 10 a.m.

The printed version is available on request.

le très attendu catalogue de la première vente aux enchères Wheels & Waves est enfin en ligne. Nous sommes fier du travail de Bixente (Vincent Lassere) qui a réuni quelques très belles pièces rares et éclectiques, pour amateurs avertis. Merçi aussi à Sérena Lutton pour sa réalisation et sa patience.
Enfin, je précise que cette vente aura lieu dans le cadre de nôtre prochain Week-end Wheels & Waves au château de Brindos à Biarritz le 15 Juin à 14h00.
Les lots seront exposés sur place à partir de 10H00.

La version imprimée du catalogue est disponible sur simple demande.



Twelve Artists #04


Rudy Jacques

To some people, Rudy Jacques's photography won't appear clear at first sight. In the world of surf photography, he's not the kind of guy you would identify as a sport photograph.

His pictures don't show achievment, rather the simple life of the performers : they tell their own lifes. Rudy has choosen this mode of expression a few years ago, while living in Oleron Island, he was sharing surf sessions between friends. Since that, he has travelled a long way, including Australia. He's staying away from digital photography, and its rough and cold rending of reality. His pictures are unique, altered and warm. You ought to look at them while listening to Kurt Cobain!

Soon at the Wheels and Waves exhibition



ACE FOUR soon to be auctionned


Introducing a rare motorcycle indeed and surely the star of the forthcoming auction to be held during the Wheels and Waves event by Bixente Moto commencing 15th June 2012: 2pm.
This machine holds an important place in the history of the American motorcycle, situated as she is between two iconic periods, that of the Henderson with its four cylinders and the Indian with its 'Indian Four'.
She is undoubtedly one of Americas first 'superbikes'

1928 Ace Four
Engine no. CA743
The Ace was William Henderson's second four-cylinder motorcycle. One of the most charismatic names in American motorcycling history, the Henderson company - founded by brothers Tom and William Henderson in Detroit in 1912 - produced nothing but four-cylinder motorcycles in the course of its 19-year existence. In 1917 the firm passed into the control of Chicago-based cycle maker Ignaz Schwinn, owner of Excelsior, and the Hendersons soon moved on. William then founded the Ace motorcycle company - later taken over by Indian - and thereby had a hand in the design of all the major American-built fours.

The first Ace four was offered late in 1919 for the 1920 season and retained the 'F-head' (inlet-over-exhaust) valve gear of the original Henderson. (Schwinn's Hendersons went 'flat head' for 1920). Displacing 1,220cc, the air-cooled inline engine employed splash lubrication and was built in unit with the three-speed, hand-change gearbox. A wheelbase of 59" and a seat height of 29" made for a stable and comfortable ride, while weight was kept down to a commendable 365lbs.

To promote its new product, Ace recruited Erwin G Baker, famous for his record-breaking long distance rides for Indian, and 'Cannonball' duly obliged, setting a new transcontinental record of 6 days, 22 hours, 52 minutes, smashing Henderson's existing record and humbling Henderson-mounted rival Wells Bennett in the process. Ranked alongside Crocker, Cyclone, Flying Merkel and a select few other marques, the Ace Four is a highly desirable motorcycle for any collection and examples are seldom offered for sale on the open market.

This particular Ace had already been restored when it was purchased in Spain from a jointly owned private collection in 2007.

1928 Indian Ace Four Engine no. CA743 This motorcycle's engine number identifies it as an Indian-built Ace from the 1928 model year and not a 1923 Ace as stated in the catalogue.



Twelve Artists #03


Dimitri Coste

Always on the move we have however managed to lure Dimitri Coste for the duration of our Weekend and in particular our exciting art exhibition . For those who don't know Dimitri, this talented individual has like so many been hugely influenced during his formative years and family surroundings. Dirt bikes, BMX, photography and journalism were always a part of his natural environment.

Stateside, Dimitri's Triumph sits waiting for the next competition, with past successes in the Catalina Grand Prix and the Pikes Hill International hill climb. His passion for Van's foot wear has led to him being an Ambassador for the company, Dimitri lives life to the full.

His work is his passion...



Twelve Artists #02


Nick Clements

Anyone who follows our blog will certainly know of our friendship with Nick Clements. This muti-talented artist, fashion and advertising photographer is the creator of Men's File Magazine, the number one reference in the world of "Heritage style", issue number 7 due out soon.

In addition, Nick recently created his own line of high quality clothing entitled 'The Curator'.

This year once again we are happy to welcome Nick Clements to our Wheels and Waves exhibition beginning the 15th June in Biarritz.




Twelve Artists #01


In this new series we introduce to you the twelve artists that will be participating at our forthcoming event 'Wheels and Waves' commencing 15th June.

We begin with one of a new generation of surfing photographers, Cesar Ancelle Hansen.
Cesars approach to surfing is more artist than sportsman and is full of subtle sensations, capturing light, the contrast of hot and cold. Many of Cesars images are obtained from within the water and as close as possible to the subject despite the risk. His photographs illustrate atmosphere rather than action.

Cesar was born in 1976 in the south of France before moving to the North of the country where he remained until he was 25 years old. His mother herself an art director with a passion for photography was his greatest influence, and Cesar often had his head buried in her collection of photographic magazines. Therefore Cesar began his career in photography at an early age. At 15 years old he was already surfing the waves in Corsica, this experience forged a bond with the ocean and ten years later he decided to make his home on the Basque coast. His photography is constantly evolving and he works with a variety of cameras, concentrating on capturing the moment, mood, light and silhoette. Distancing himself from the commercial side of surfing his approach is instinctive.



Wheels and Waves


Following up on the huge success of the Southsiders evening at the ‘113’ in Toulouse, attended by friends from home and abroad, this year’s event will be staged in the prestigious surroundings of the Chateau de Brindos, a 5-Star Hotel located in Biarritz in the Basque country.

Our weekend begins on Friday 15 June morning With the exhibition
followed by an auction at 1.30 pm of motorcycles, classic and custom cars, automotive collectables and pieces of art. The auction has been initiated by Vincent Lassere of Bixente Moto with sales going under the hammer of local auctioneer Marie Francoise Carayol.
After the auction a small ride will be organised thru the french Basque country

the Southsiders evening commences at 7pm in magnificent surroundings, the stage of an exhibition «Waves & Wheels» featuring the work of twelve international artists sharing the Automotive and Surf theme, alongside a reunion of outstanding cars and motorcycles. Our friend and partner TBC Triumph, a Triumph dealership in Biarritz, will also be presenting a ‘special’ for the occasion. On Saturday after a ride and drive around the Basque country in France and Spain, a second party has been organised in partnership with BLITZKRIEG MACHINES

Fort du succès de la soirée Southsiders en 2011 au « 113 » à Toulouse et du relai international qu’elle a engendré, nous organisons cette année un évènement, au pays Basque à Biarritz, dans le cadre prestigieux du Château de Brindos, Hostellerie 5 étoiles.

Le vendredi matin l'exposition ouvrira ses portes à 10h,
suivie par une vente aux enchères de motos, voitures, classiques et custom, d’automobilia et d’œuvres d’art à l’initiative de Vincent Lassere (Bixente Moto) sous le marteau de Me Marie Françoise Carayol, commissaire priseur à Biarritz .
Suite à cette vente, un ride moto à travers le pays Basque Français nous permettra d'entrer en action...
la soirée Southsiders débutera à 19h dans l'univers décalé du chateau de Brindos, avec l’exposition “Waves & Wheels” d’une douzaine d’artistes internationaux autour du thème Auto/Moto/Surf, côtoyant une réunion de voitures et motos de collection et d’exception. Notre ami et partenaire TBC Triumph Biarritz présentera pour l’occasion une réalisation spéciale.
Le lendemain après une journée de randonnée auto, moto entre la France et l’Espagne, une deuxième soirée est organisée en partenariat avec BLITZKRIEG MACHINES.

pasado en el «113» de Toulouse, a la cual asistieron amigos de distintas partes del globo, este año la cita se ha trasladado a las maravillosas costas de Biarritz y alrededores. La fiesta se llevará a cabo en el Chateau de Brindos, un magnífico Hotel de 5 estrellas en pleno País Vasco, en el que tendrá lugar una velada inolvidable.
El fin de semana comenzará el Viernes 15 de Junio por la mañana, con una subasta pública de obras de arte, motocicletas y automóviles clásicos, memorabilia y otros artículos de colección. La subasta será conducida por Vincent Lassere, cabeza visible de Bixente Moto, y el martillo será bajado por la subastera oficial Marie Francoise Carayol.
Después de la subasta, la velada de los Southsiders dará comienzo con las exposiciones de diez magníficos artistas venidos de distintos lugares de la vieja Europa, siempre sin abandonar la temática principal del evento; los viejos motores y el surf. A su vez, se podrá disfrutar de una fantástica colección de vehículos de gran interés histórico y cultural. Para terminar con el programa del Viernes, decir que nuestros amigos y socios de TBC Triumph, concesionaria de la marca de Hinckley en Biarritz, desvelarán una moto muy especial. El Sábado y tras cruzar el País Vasco por sus carreteras, hasta España y vuelta a Bayonne, en colaboración con nuestros amigos de BLITZKRIEG MACHINES, habrá una noche de carreras en moto y conciertos con Magnetix a la cabeza asi como varios DJs hasta el final de la noche.



New magazines on store


Italian Motors -Issue #4

As usual Adam Bolton, the man behind "Italian Motos magazine" has prepared for us the best Italian pasta...

In stock now on our store

In this issue:
Exclusive '67 MV Agusta 600cc tourer unrestored and original, Nick’s Ducati Baines Imola no. 1, Paolo’s Lambretta Li 150 special from Italy, Benelli Cobra Scrambler, ’31 Alfa Romeo 8C built from parts. Modded Morini 507, Matt Machine’s Guzzi Le Mans special, Guzzi Stelvio and Norge launch report, Peter K’s stunning bevel Ducati flat tracker

Sideburn - Issue #9

Sideburn: the magazine for Dust eaters

in this issue : The Sixth Street Special NYC most enthusiastic flat track amateurs, Bubba's Bike the story of a RS750 Honda,
Maxwell's BSA Beeza, The Big ass R1 engine, Johnny Lewis Twin KAWA, LuyckxThe road legal Boardtracker, Scotty's T110 Flying Zombie
Field days Hiroshima, and of course the; The Trophy girl

In stock now on our store

DICE - Issue #40

Anyways people...here it is! The big 40!! It's a heavy one for us and we still can't believe that we get to make a magazine about everything we love in this world and people are so supportive of it! For that we would like to thank you and let you know that we feel the love and it makes us want to cry sometimes.
The cover for this monumental issue was made as a 6 foot tile mosaic by our good friend Scotty Rockland and it features the late great Johnny Chop.

In stock now on our store,

DICE - Issue #41

…What can I say...it's juicy...it's warm...it's like a pair of Lionel Blair's flapping in the wind!
It's DicE Issue 41
Inside this glorious bastard of an issue you will find a variety of motorbikes from California, Japan, Texas, Brooklyn, England, Phoenix, Connecticut, North Carolina, Sweden, Alabama...and more!
The cover was designed by Tina Charad from London, England and it brings us screaming into's the 1980's...wait didn't the 80's already happen?....
Not only that...but inside you will also find the much anticipated return of Barracuda magazine!!!

In stock now on our store
