
Wheels & Waves x Loser Machine

Wheels & Waves x Loser Machine from Douglas Guillot on Vimeo.

In Europe, the winter can seem unending, the time of year when we are consigned to dwell interminably in our garages, neon lights may be bright but they can never truly replicate sunlight...
But there is a cure, we have been planning an end of winter trip to the Basque country since last summer with our friend Fede at Loser Machine and Bixente, a ride for a Wheels and Waves 2013 reunion.
A band of brothers, 20 in all. However with the unpredictable seasonal conditions we are taking a gamble, but still we have ploughed through all conditions before and shall do again.
The ride is a total of 240km, and we are planning it for June, so it should be perfect riding : A combination of beautiful nature and a rare countryside found in these traditional lands, far from the polluted towns and cities that so many of us are forced to call home. Mountains are found in abundance as are the twists on the long empty stretches of road, which are themselves much like racing circuits, in short, a dreamlike wonderland. Anybody who loves bikes will get that longed for Endorphin rush and a heavenly bike connection.

L'hiver est long en Europe, la période ou nous restons calfeutrés dans nos garages parait interminable, les néons ne remplaceront jamais le soleil...
Nous avions cependant planifié à la fin de l'été dernier avec nôtre ami Fede de Loser Machine et Bixente, un ride au pays Basque à la fin de l'hiver, ayant pour but de faire un repérage pour Wheels & Waves 2013.
Nous avons réuni un groupe d'amis, une vingtaine au total, les conditions étant difficilement prévisibles en cette saison nous prenions un certain risque, nous avons rencontré à peu près tout ce que l'on peut imaginer en matière de météo.
le ride de 240Km que nous allons vous proposer en Juin est quasiment parfait à mes yeux, beaucoup de nature, peu d'agglomérations,de la montagne, des virages par milliers, des route côtières semblables à un circuit, bref un terrain de jeu sensationnel ou chacun trouvera l'endorphine vitale, la justification même de la moto.
Vivement Juin.

We would like to thank, everyone who participed to this "epic" ride and of course Doug for the cool movie and Fede for his support

Vincent Prat

Shot & Edited by Douglas Guillot
Produced by Greendog Distribution
Music by Yussuf Jerusalem (bornbadrecords.net/artists/yussuf-jerusalem/)
Photography by Benoit Guerry (guerrypratimages.com/home.html)
additional film shots by Juan Lagarrigue (jromero.fr) & Sarah Arnould(saraharnould.tumblr.com)
Graphic Design by Steven Burke (stevenburke.blogspot.fr)
Support by Loser Machine (losermachine.com)


New magazines

 Winter isn't over yet: I can see the proof as I look out of the window....So, while we wait, here's some suggestions for some new magazines available now on our STORE
A new discovery, or to add to your collection, here's issue number 4 of Moto Heroes. These 180 pages on modern man cover everything to do with the world of the moto and lifestyle. Good quality paper,  good design: they talk about the fundamentals: men and design, that's to say their machines. We're proud to present this edition before it comes out in the shops. Written in French

Next issue number 3 of Cast Iron. For a long time Laurent Bagnard has introduced rock and Greasy Culture into the Custom world in all its forms, and he gives us a wonderful personal piece, each time more like a book than a magazine. This immaculately designed work includes a DVD multizone, adding sound to image: don't miss it. In French and English.

Finally,  a little bit late, but as exciting as always, Dice no48: Matt and Dean, always ready to allow us to live the adventures of an underground world from our armchairs. Written in Texan translated from Cockney.


Wheels & Waves 2013 - Update

Following several long months of suspense, peppered with frustration, we have come to an agreement with the city of Biarritz, here in France. Monsieur Didier Borotra, mayor of the city, has agreed to our request to hold the 2013 Wheels and Waves event at a truly magic, historical, and legendary spot: The Lighthouse of Biarritz.

This city, rich in history, where surfing in Europe was born in 1956, is unique in our eyes.
It brings together our two favorite elements which are the water and the asphalt, so the Wheels and Waves will be able to express themselves in full liberty for  the period of a special weekend… a weekend of action, passion, pleasure, friendship and fraternity.

The dates are now set in stone: June 13, 14, 15, and 16th.
The activities and organization can now progressively find their marks, as the program looks to be a memorable one.
The website will be ready in April, where you will find all the necessary information about the event, where to stay, where to reserve, how to access and pre-register for meals, rides, and runs!

We want to thank, in advance, our partners without whom this event could not happen.
We also thank our four special artists for their confidence in us, as we look forward to the honor of hosting them, and officially exposing their work during the event.

Once again, we thank you all for your patience and understanding that “you can get it if you really want it”, and its corollary “good things often take time to obtain.”
We sincerely look forward to seeing you.

So prepare your bikes, your boards, and let’s get together at the Lighthouse in 2013!

Vincent Prat


Après de longs mois de suspense, nous sommes enfin parvenu à un accord avec la ville de Biarritz. Monsieur Didier Borotra, maire de la ville nous accorde l'implantation du village Wheels & Waves dans un lieu magique Autour du phare de Biarritz.

Cette ville chargée d'histoire ou le surf est né en 1956 en Europe est unique à nos yeux, il rassemble nos deux éléments favoris, l'eau et l'asphalte, les roues et les vagues vont pouvoir s'y exprimer en toute liberté le temps d'un week-end ...

La date est fixée au 13/14/15/16 Juin, les éléments vont maintenant se mettre progressivement en place, le programme s'annonce alléchant, nôtre site sera prêt courant Avril.
Vous y trouverez toutes les informations nécessaires comme l'hébergement, l'accès et le programme sans oublier les formulaires d'inscription repas, rides et runs.

Nous remercions d'ores et déjà tous nos partenaires sans lesquels cet événement ne pourrait avoir lieu aujourd'hui.
Nous remerçions vivement les quatre artistes pour la confiance qu'ils nous accordent et serons très honorés de les accueillir.

Encore une fois merçi pour votre patience, préparez vos motos, vos planches de surf et rejoignez nous .

Vincent Prat



Wheels & Waves 2013 ?


 For a while I've been receiving emails every day, from all over Europe, asking me thousands of questions : I will try to reply to the main ones and soothe your worries !

-Will there be another Wheels and Waves in 2013 ?
Yes ! Our small team are doing everything possible to put on an event this year.
-Where will it be held ?
-When ?
We are working towards the 14 15 16 of June : however these dates may have to be changed, depending on the availability of venues. We will be able to confirm dates in February.

-Who can come ? Participate ?
The event will be free : that's a fundamental principle, however, in face of growing demand we have to limit participation to the owners of custom or pre 1975 cars and bikes. Neo-classical/retro-modern bikes  will not be able to take part in the various rides.

-When will information be available on the Wheels and waves.com website ?

Not before March, but we will be updating everyone via our Facebook pages and the Southsiders blog.
-Are you still accepting new sponsors and partners ?
Yes, of course : please get in touch by email or telephone.

-Will there be a Wheels and Waves in 2014 ?
No : the one after 2013 will be in 2015.

 Depuis quelques temps, je reçois des mails tous les jours, venant de l'Europe entière me posant mille questions,
Je vais tenter de répondre aux principales et mettre fin à vos angoisses !

- Y'aura t'il un Wheels & Waves 2013?
 oui !, nôtre petite équipe fait tout pour mettre en oeuvre une nouvelle édition de cet événement.

- A quel endroit?

- A quelle date?
 Nous avons retenu le 14, 15, 16 Juin, mais cette date peut-être déplacée, dépendant principalement de la disponibilité des lieux.
Nous connaitrons la réponse définitive en Février

- Qui pourra y participer?
 L'événement est gratuit, c'est un principe fondamental,  nous devons maintenant faire face à la demande et le limiter, ainsi seuls les propriétaires de véhicules (motos et auto)
d'avant 1975 ou Custom pourront y participer. Le motos neo-classiques ne pourront pas prendre part aux différents rides.

- A quel moment les informations seront -elles disponibles sur le site Wheels-and-waves.com?
 Pas avant le mois de mars, mais restez en contact sur nos pages Facebook et sur le blog  Southsiders.

- Acceptez vous de nouveaux sponsors et partenariats?
 Oui, bien sur, nous contacter, par mail ou téléphone.

- Y'aura t'il un Wheels & Waves 2014?
Non, l'édition suivante aura lieu en 2015.



Wheels and Waves on the Store


The Wheels and Waves Goodies are finally on the Store, have a look there:

2012 T-Shirts in Black or White available in some sizes only

High quality"Grand Feu" enamelled pins

High quality handmade velvet embroided patch with its black background

The Round Southsiders patch 2012 model

The Wheels & Waves 2012 pack contains a T-Shirt available in Black or White, the Pins, the W&W patch, The Southsiders patch and the poster (60X80CM) 10 only !



I had a Dream...

In that dream, we were riding and rippin' all together on the beach free as birds, it was in 2013 ...


It's just a dream !

Photos by DAV from Le Container and Benoit Guerry for Guerrypratimages
